Silpasathi || State Online Single Window Services || Ease of Doing Business || Government of West Bengal

For any critical issues or difficulties faced while submitting application please call to our Quick Response Team at 03322622004 in between 10am to 5pm on Monday to Friday (Except Holidays) | Applicants can avail the e-Service - Issuance of Trade License Certificate (New) under the Department of UD&MA from : whereas Renewal of Trade License Certificate under the Department of UD&MA e-Service is currently available from Silpasathi Portal | Professional Tax enrollment service will be temporarily under maintenance from 05-12-2024 10.30PM onwards till 10-12-2024 12.00AM | The Silpasathi Portal is now LIVE with 137 Industrial related Licenses / Approvals / NoCs and Renewals | For any technical query, kindly drop a mail at | Silpa Sathi Single Window Cell - Helpline no. (Toll free) 1800-345-5562
Notifications / Circulars / Orders
1Notice-Not Applicable-01-12-2023Industrial Sheds available on RENT for 10 years - WBIDC
2NoticeWB(Part-I)/2023/SAR-89418-11-2023West Bengal Green Firecracker Manufacturing, Storage and Selling Scheme (WBGFMSS)
3Notice167/T&CP/01-02-2023Certificate of Enlistment (Trade License) will be obtained exclusively from e-District portal w.e.f from 02.02.2023 instead of Silpasathi Portal till further notification.
4NoticeWBIDC/EoDB/BRAP/LA-I/188430-12-2022Allotment of Land in Industrial Area for WBIDC to be submitted exclusively through State Single Window portal Silpasathi
5NoticeNo. 219-ICE-11012(13)/5/2022-ESTT28-12-2022Allotment of Land in Industrial Area for IC&E (WBIDC) and IC&E (WBIIDC) to be submitted exclusively through State Single Window portal Silpasathi
6Notice419/MSME&T19-12-202261 services of various Departments routed only through Silpasathi portal instead of Department's standalone online systems.
7NoticeWB(Part-I)/2022/SAR-104818-08-20221) Timeline Notification under WBRTPS Act 2013 for the services related to: a) Raising of Queries by officials to investors/ applicants only once, after submission of the application by investors/ applicants and b) Resolution of Queries/ Grievance of investors/ applicants related to issues faced by Industry/ Businesses, by the Investors' Facilitation Center/ Investment Promotion Agency of the State, through online query/ grievance (recording and addressing) handling mechanism
8Notice07-ICE/O/IPI/GEN-MIS/30/201707-01-2021Amendments in the West Bengal Single Window System Rules, 2017
9Order244-ICE-14011(99)/22/202002-11-2020Constitution of a dedicated Project Monitoring Unit
10NoticeI/103749/2020-ICE-14011(99)/22/2020-IPI SECTION15-10-2020Notification for notifying regulation etc. in online wizard
11NoticeI/103759/2020-ICE-14011(99)/22/2020-IPI SECTION15-10-2020Notification under WBRTPS Act on time bound disposal of application related Queries
12NoticeI/103749/2020-ICE-14011(99)/22/2020-IPI SECTION15-10-2020Notification for notifying regulation etc. in online wizard
13NoticeI/103735/2020-ICE-14011(99)/22/2020-IPI SECTION15-10-2020Notification regarding regulation feedback
14NoticeI/103752/2020-ICE-14011(99)/22/2020-IPI SECTION15-10-2020Notification on engagement of relationship managers for single window
15Notice41-CI/O/ADN/GEN-MIS/01/1506-02-2019Notification on Query Recording and Query Handling mechanism
16Notice300-PAR(AR)/O/201722-09-2017Delivery of services to business through online portal
17Order1376/FES/O/2E-155/201606-07-2017Submission of all applications online for issue of Licenses and/or NOC under West Bengal Fire Services Act,1950
18Order127-CI/O/ADM/GENMISC/0127-06-2017Publication of draft and procedure for finalization of business regulations
19Circular622/1-PAR(AR)/AR/O/3M-35/1627-06-2017Publication of draft act/ rules/ regulations, invitation of public comments/ feedback and finalization
20Notice454-CI/O/IPI/GEN-IND/15/1619-08-2016Notification regarding constituting of Industrial Development & Promotion Board for the State


Query / Grievance