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For any critical issues or difficulties faced while submitting application please call to our Quick Response Team at 03322622004 in between 10am to 5pm on Monday to Friday (Except Holidays) | Applicants can avail the e-Service - Issuance of Trade License Certificate (New) under the Department of UD&MA from : whereas Renewal of Trade License Certificate under the Department of UD&MA e-Service is currently available from Silpasathi Portal | Professional Tax enrollment service will be temporarily under maintenance from 05-12-2024 10.30PM onwards till 10-12-2024 12.00AM | The Silpasathi Portal is now LIVE with 137 Industrial related Licenses / Approvals / NoCs and Renewals | For any technical query, kindly drop a mail at | Silpa Sathi Single Window Cell - Helpline no. (Toll free) 1800-345-5562
S. No Name of the Department Notified Services Timeline Notification No. & Date URL
i Finance (Directorate of Registration & Stamp Revenue) Property registration process (deeds are registered on the same day of the appointment) 1 Day No. 1885-F.T. & Dt. 31st December, 2018
ii IC & E (WBIDC) Land allotment process 60 Days   - N/A -
iii Environment Consent to Establish and Consent to Operate under The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981    
Renewal of Consent to Operate for Green category of small scale industry except industries located within Calcutta Leather Complex 15 Days No.: 107-EN/A02/2013(Pt.-I) dated Kolkata the 15th January, 2016
Renewal of Consent to Operate for Green (Medium Scale), Orange & Red (all Small & Medium scale industries other than EC attracting industries), DG set, Health care units (upto 50 beds) Red-60 Days
Orange - 30Days
Green-15 Days
Renewal of Consent to Operate of all large scale industries including EC attracting industries. Red-60 Days
Orange - 30 Days
Green-15 Days
Renewal of Consent to Operate for Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) and Health care units (above 50 beds & not more than 200 beds) Red-60 Days
Orange - 30 Days
Green-15 Days
Consent to operate (under Water Act & Air Act)    
Consent to Operate for Green category of small scale industry except industries located within Calcutta Leather Complex 15 Days No.: 107-EN/A02/2013(Pt.-I) dated Kolkata the 15th January, 2016
Consent to Operate for Green (Medium Scale), Orange & Red (all Small & Medium scale industries other than EC attracting industries), DG set, Health care units (upto 50 beds) Red-60 Days
Orange - 30 Days
Green -15 Days
Consent to Operate for all EC attracting industries and all large scale industries Red-60 Days
Orange - 30 Days
Green-15 Days
Consent to Operate for Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) and Health care units (above 50 beds & not more than 200 beds) Red-60 Days
Orange - 30 Days
Green-15 Days
Consent to Operate for Health care units (more than 200 beds) Red-60 Days
Consent to Operate for Brick Fields Orange- 30 Days No.: 107-EN/A02/2013(Pt.-I) dated Kolkata the 15th January, 2016
Consent to Operate for stone quarries and stone crushing industries Red- 60 Days
Consent to Operate for Auto Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) dispensing units Orange - 30 Days
Green-15 Days
Consent to establish (under Water Act & Air Act)    
Consent to Establish for Green category of small scale industry except industries located within Calcutta Leather Complex 15 Days No.: 107-EN/A02/2013(Pt.-I) dated Kolkata the 15th January, 2016
Consent to Establish for Orange category of small scale industry except industries located within Calcutta Leather Complex 30 Days
Consent to Establish for Green & Orange (Medium scale) & Red (Small & Medium scale) [other than Environmental Clearance (EC) attracting industries], DG (Diesel Generator) Set, Health care units (upto 50 beds) Red-60 Days
Orange - 30 Days
Green-15 Days
No.: 107-EN/A02/2013(Pt.-I) dated Kolkata the 15th January, 2016
Consent to Establish for all Large scale (Red/Orange/Green) industries [other than Environmental Clearance (EC) attracting industries], Health care units (above 50 beds & not more than 200 beds) Red-60 Days
Orange – 30 Days
Green-15 Days
Consent to Establish for Health care units (more than 200 beds) Red-60 Days
Consent to Establish for industries/ projects attracting Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification and its amendments. Red-60 Days
Orange - 30 Days
Consent to Establish for Brick Fields Orange- 30 Days
Consent to Establish for stone quarries and stone crushing industries Red- 60 Days
Consent to Establish for Auto Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) dispensing units Orange – 30Days
Green-15 Days
No.: 107-EN/A02/2013(Pt.-I) dated Kolkata the 15th January, 2016
iv Authorization under the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016    
Hazardous Waste Authorization & Registration Certificate for recycler of Hazardous Waste Red-60 days
Orange - 30 days
Green-15 days
No.: 107-EN/A02/2013(Pt.-I) dated Kolkata the 15th January, 2016
v Labour Commissionerate,
Labour Dept.
Registration of Establishment of Principal Employer and Amendment of Certificate of Registration under Contract Labour (Regulation of Abolition) Act, 1970 and Rules framed thereunder 30 Days No.-Labr/194/Gen(RTI/RTPS)
Dt. the 1st Dec., 2020,
Licensing of Contractors and Amendment thereof under Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 and Rules framed thereunder 30 Days No.-Labr/194/Gen(RTI/RTPS)
Dt. the 1st Dec., 2020,
Renewal of License issued to Contractors under Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 and Rules framed thereunder Real Time No.-Labr/194/Gen(RTI/RTPS)
Dt. the 1st Dec., 2020,
Registration of Shops and Establishment under the West Bengal Shops & Etablishments Act, 1963 and Rules framed thereunder Real Time No.-Labr/194/Gen(RTI/RTPS)
Dt. the 1st Dec., 2020,
Renewal of Certificate of registration under the West Bengal Shops & Establishments Act, 1963 and Rules Framed thereunder Real Time No.-Labr/194/Gen(RTI/RTPS)
Dt. the 1st Dec., 2020,
Change in Certificate of Registration under the West Bengal Shops & Establishments Act, 1963 and Rules framed thereunder 30 Days No.-Labr/194/Gen(RTI/RTPS)
Dt. the 1st Dec., 2020,
Registration of establishment and amendment of certificate of registration under the Buildings and others Construction workers (Regulation of Employment and conditions of services) Act, 1996 and Rules framed thereunder 30 Days No.-Labr/194/Gen(RTI/RTPS)
Dt. the 1st Dec., 2020,
Registration of Establishment of Principal Employer and amendment of certificate of Registration under the Inter- State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Condition of Services) Act. 1979 and Rules framed thereunder 30 Days No.-Labr/194/Gen(RTI/RTPS)
Dt. the 1st Dec., 2020,
Licensing of Contractors and Amendment thereof under the Inter-State Migrant workmen (Regulation of Employment and condition of services) Act. 1979 ana Rules framed thereunder 30 Days No.-Labr/194/Gen(RTI/RTPS)
Dt. the 1st Dec., 2020,
Renewal of Licences under the Inter-State Migrant workmen (Regulation of Employment and condition of services) Act. 1979 and Rules framed thereunder Real Time No.-Labr/194/Gen(RTI/RTPS)
Dt. the 1st Dec., 2020,
Registration of the Motor Transport undertakings and Amendment and Renewal of Certificate of Registration under the Motor Transpor and Workers Act. 1961 and Rules framed thereunder 30 Days No.-Labr/194/Gen(RTI/RTPS)
Dt. the 1st Dec., 2020,
Licensing of Industrial Premises and Renewal of Licenses under the Beedi and Cigar Workers(Conditions of Employment) Act. 1966 and Rules thereunder 60 Days No.-Labr/194/Gen(RTI/RTPS)
Dt. the 1st Dec., 2020,
Issuance of Registration Certificate as per the Trade Unions Act. 1926 to the applicant Trade Unions 42 Days No.-Labr/194/Gen(RTI/RTPS)
Dt. the 1st Dec., 2020,
vi Directorate of Boilers, Labour Dept. Issuance of provisional order of Boiler under Form V / Economiser under Form X (Registration and Renewal) 15 Days after satisfactory inspection No.-Labr/194/Gen(RTI/RTPS)
Dt. the 1st Dec., 2020,
Issuance of Final Certificate of Boiler under Form VI / Economiser under Form XI (Registration and Renewal) 6 months after satisfactory inspection No.-Labr/194/Gen(RTI/RTPS)
Dt. the 1st Dec., 2020,
Examination of Boiler/ Economiser under Registration. 30 Days from the date of receipt of the application for Registration No.-Labr/194/Gen(RTI/RTPS)
Dt. the 1st Dec., 2020,
Inspection of Boiler/Economiser for renewal of certificates 15 Days from the date of receipt of the application No.-Labr/194/Gen(RTI/RTPS)
Dt. the 1st Dec., 2020,
Issuance of Certificates of Boilers Economiser their components, etc. during manufacturing 30 Days after submission of complete authentic documents and fees No.-Labr/194/Gen(RTI/RTPS)
Dt. the 1st Dec., 2020,
Examination and approval of Drawings 45 Days after submission of complete authentic drawings, documents and fees. No.-Labr/194/Gen(RTI/RTPS)
Dt. the 1st Dec., 2020,
Change of Ownership of Boilers/ Economiser 60 Days after submission of complete authentic documents and fees No.-Labr/194/Gen(RTI/RTPS)
Dt. the 1st Dec., 2020,
Approval of Repairer/Erector /Manufacturer of Boiler and Pipe Line and Renewal thereof /Endorsement of Repairer/Erector of Boiler and Pipe Line 30 Days after submission of complete authentic documents and fees No.-Labr/194/Gen(RTI/RTPS)
Dt. the 1st Dec., 2020,
Registration of Steam and Feed Pipe Lines 30 Days after submission of complete authentic documents and fees No.-Labr/194/Gen(RTI/RTPS)
Dt. the 1st Dec., 2020,
Testing of Materials at Testing Laboratory 7 Days after completion of testing No.-Labr/194/Gen(RTI/RTPS)
Dt. the 1st Dec., 2020,
Issuance of Erection Certificate of Boilers/Economiser 30 Days after completion of hydraulic test of Boilers/Economiser No.-Labr/194/Gen(RTI/RTPS)
Dt. the 1st Dec., 2020,
vii Directorate of Factories, Labour Dept. Approval of Factory Plan 50 Days No.-Labr/194/Gen(RTI/RTPS)
Dt. the 1st Dec., 2020,
Registration and Grant of License under the Factories Act.1948 65 Days No.-Labr/194/Gen(RTI/RTPS)
Dt. the 1st Dec., 2020,
Renewal of Factories (Auto Renewal) Real Time No.-Labr/194/Gen(RTI/RTPS)
Dt. the 1st Dec., 2020,
Amendment Transfer of License under the Factories Act,1948 and Rules framed thereunder 90 Days No.-Labr/194/Gen(RTI/RTPS)
Dt. the 1st Dec., 2020,
viii Consumer Affairs Registration/ Licenses and renewal (wherever applicable) under the Legal Metrology Act, 2009 75 Days 2931 - CA/RTPS/O/2C1/14 Dated17.12.2014
ix   Obtaining water connection      
I & W Water Connection (Surface Water) 36 Days No:17-W/2017-18 dated 08/09/2017
WRID Water Connection (Ground Water) upto 50 ccm/hr. -30 Days;
50-100 ccm/hr.- 51 Days [for Kolkata -30 Days];
more than 100 ccm/hr. - 66 Days
No. 2320/WI/RPS/SWID/2017 dated 25/09/2017 -N/A-
x Finance State Excise and Profession Tax      
Registration of a Brand & Label of liquor 7 Days No. FS-83/2017 Dt. Howrah, 24th October, 2017
Registration of Profession Tax 1 Day 1664-F.T. Dt. 18/09/2017
xi IC & E Registration of Partnership firm 30 Days 255-ICE/0/ P&S/ RGF-MIS/020/2013 Dated 03/08/17
xii Registration of Societies 30 Days 254-ICE/0/ P&S/ RGF-MIS/020/2013 Dated 03/08/17
xiii UD & MA Trade License 25 Days 1716-UD/O/M/19/2014 dated 4.11.2013 -N/A-
xiv MSME&T MSME Incentives Approval - 60 Days after submission of complete application,
Sanction - 20 Days after getting required funds,
Disbursement - 20 Days after fulfilment of pre-disburesement formalities
No. 2258-MSMET/O/C-l/4M-34/16 dated 06.11.2020
xv Health & Family Welfare Drug License 90 Days HF/O/GA/2414 dated 02.08.2017
Query / Grievance