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For any critical issues or difficulties faced while submitting application please call to our Quick Response Team at 03322622004 in between 10am to 5pm on Monday to Friday (Except Holidays) | Applicants can avail the e-Service - Issuance of Trade License Certificate (New) under the Department of UD&MA from : whereas Renewal of Trade License Certificate under the Department of UD&MA e-Service is currently available from Silpasathi Portal | The Silpasathi Portal is now LIVE with 118 Industrial related Licenses / Approvals / NoCs and Renewals | For any technical query, kindly drop a mail at | Silpa Sathi Single Window Cell - Helpline no. (Toll free) 1800-345-5562
Acts & Rules Simplified Version

There are many Acts and Rules of the Government that are applicable to entrepreneurs. A Simplified List can be seen in the Table below.

Sl. No Name of the Act and Rule Download
1 WBLR Act (Mutation of Land)
2 WBLR Act (Conversion of Land)
3 The Electricity (Supply) Act
4 The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
5 ESI 1948 Act
6 Minimum Wages Act
7 Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provision Act
8 The West Bengal Shops and Establishments Act.
9 Child Labour Act
10 The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970
11 Compensation Act
12 Gratuity Act
13 Industrial Employment Act
14 Trade Union Act
15 Bonus Act
16 The Payment of Wages Act, 1936
17 Maternity Act
18 Weekly Holidays Act
19 Factories Act
20 Boiler Act
21 West Bengal Fire Act 1950
22 Explosives Act/ Explosive Rules
23 The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006
24 Company Act
25 The West Bengal Value Added Tax Act
26 CST Act
27 Profession Tax Act
28 Service Tax Act
29 Excise Duty
30 Partnership Act
31 Co-operative Act
32 Food Safety Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Business) Regulations, 2011
33 Manufacturer Licence for (Modern / Allopathic Medicine) / Homoeo
34 Registration of a Generating Plant and Payment of Electricity Duty under Bengal Electricity Duty Act, 1935
35 The West Bengal Ground Water Resources (Management, Control and Regulation) (Amendment) Act, 2005
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