For any critical issues or difficulties faced while submitting application please call to our Quick Response Team at 03322622004 in between 10am to 5pm on Monday to Friday (Except Holidays)|
Applicants can avail the e-Service - Issuance of Trade License Certificate (New) under the Department of UD&MA from : whereas Renewal of Trade License Certificate under the Department of UD&MA e-Service is currently available from Silpasathi Portal |
Professional Tax enrollment service will be temporarily under maintenance from 05-12-2024 10.30PM onwards till 10-12-2024 12.00AM
The Silpasathi Portal is now LIVE with 137 Industrial related Licenses / Approvals / NoCs and Renewals
For any technical query, kindly drop a mail at|
Silpa Sathi Single Window Cell - Helpline no. (Toll free) 1800-345-5562
The Revamped State Single Window Portal
Service Related Advantage
Ease of Doing Business in Bengal includes
Dissemination of web-based information
Incentives and land allotment in industrial parks & estates
GIS maps for ease of location
Simplification of processes & procedures
Decentralization of approval power
Reduced documentation
Introduction of self-declaration and self-certification
eServices and single window system for business enacted through Single Window Act for statutory compliances, and a host of other systems and processes.
Certificate of Enlistment (Trade License) matters: Urban Local Bodies and Panchayats
Detail procedure, comprehensive checklist, timeline available in departmental website.
Extended validity for Permanent Certificate of Enlistment upto 3 years (including the ones issued by Panchayats)
Documents reduced for application for trade license
Environment (Pollution)
Detailed procedure and comprehensive checklist available at
Online Consent to Establish (NOC) including auto-renewal facility
[Memo No. 1542-4A-6/2015 dtd. 01.06.2015 and 1749-4A-6/2015 dtd : 17/06/2015]
Online Consent to Operate including auto-renewal facility
[Memo No. 1542-4A-6/2015 dtd. 01.06.2015 and Memo No. 1644-4A-6/2015 (Part I) dtd 28/06/2016]
No clearance/consent required for industries under ‘White’ and ‘Exempted’ category
Green category industries exempted from inspection
Standard Operating Procedure for inspection process introduced
Extended validity of consent to operate up to 7 years for ‘Green’ category and 5 years for ‘Orange’ & ‘Red’ categories
[Memo No. 1646-4A-7/2016 dtd. 28/06/2016 of WBPCB]
Computerized risk assessment of industries and allocation of inspectors
[Memo No. 1645-4A-6/2015 (Part-I) dtd. 28/06/2015]
Online submission of inspection report with 48 hours introduced
[Memo No. 1645-4A-6/2015 (Part-I) dtd. 28/06/2015 read with Memo No. 1645A-4A-6/2015 (Part-I) dtd. 28/06/2015 of WBPCB]
Documentation burden reduced for pollution clearance
Labour Matters
Detailed procedure, comprehensive checklist and timeline under all Labour Laws
Online approval of factory plan, registration and grant of license including renewal at
Online license for contractor & renewal available at
Registration of principal employer establishment/ registration under building and other construction workers available at
Validity of factory license extended to a period of three years or more up to a maximum of ten years
[Notification No. Labr/638/(Law)/LW/4L-5/15 dtd. 29.12.2016]
Exemption of registration of admn/ clerical department of a factory
Extended time of operation of shops/ establishments
No advance notice to be served for any overtime retention of worker
Risk based categorization of establishments (High Medium and Low)
Synchronized/ joint inspection under 16 Labour Laws minimizing the hassles of inspection
3rd party inspection by accreditated agencies allowed for factories and boilers
Final inspection report submission within 48 hours after inspection
[Order No.470-IR/3C/04/2015 dtd. 23/05/2016 of Labour Dept]
Exemption of shops and establishment from mandatory closure
E-register for shops and establishments
Self-certification allowed under Contract Labour Act, Payment of Wages Act, Shops & Establishment Act, Minimum Wages Act, Boilers Act and Factories Act.
Computerized allocation of inspector under various Labour Laws
[Order no.1229-GE/G/4P-15/15 dtd.23.05.2016 of Labour Dept.]
Well defined Grievance redressal mechanism
Time bound services under Right to Services Act
Building plan sanction
Online application for Building Plan Sanction/ Construction permit introduced in Municipal Corporations and in most of ULBs
Time bound disposal: within 15 days by ULB and 30 days by Panchayat (60 days, if Department’s vetting required)
No Objection under T&CP Act to ULB within 15 days
Industrial Estate/Park authorities (WBIDC, WBSIDC, WBIIDC, WEBEL) delegated with power to sanction building plan for industrial units in their estate/park, parks
Standard fees rate prescribed; no other charges/fee allowed
Tax related matters
Detailed procedure, comprehensive checklist, timeline for all applicable taxes made online
Online registration, payment and filling of the return for applicable taxes eliminating physical process
Downloadable final certificate and 3rd party verification of approval of certificate
Composite VAT registration introduced for small traders whereby only a fixed amount is paid annually & no return is required to be filed
Completion of registration process and delivery of the document on the same day (Circular No. 01/2016, dated 30.03.2016 of Directorate of Registration & Stamp Revenue)
Detailed procedure, list of documents for application & renewal of wholesale/retail drug license, drug manufacturing license []
Time bound disposal of application for drug license notified under WBRTPS Act,2013: 90days [Notification No.HF/O/GA/3885/W-77/2013 dated2.12.2013 of Health & FW Dept.]
Time bound disposal of application of license of Clinical Establishment notified under WBRTPS Act,2013 :90days [Notification No. HF/O/GA/3885/W-77/2013 dated 2.12.2013 of Health & FW Dept.]
Online application and renewal of license for food manufacturing , store &sales by Food Business Operator(FBO) including detailed procedure and comprehensive list of documents, tracking of application
Time bound disposal of application under Pre- Conception & Pre- Natal Diagnostic Techniques notified under WBRTPS Act,2013 : 90days
[Notification No.HF/O/GA/3885/W-77/2013 dated 2.12.2013 of Health & FW Dept.]
Mutation and conversion of land for setting up industries in 21 days and 30 days respectively
(Order No. No.324-LP/1A-12/13 dated 05/02/2015)
Deemed No Objection from ULC and Local Body etc. for mutation and conversion respectively if not responded in 14 days of reference
(Order No. No.324-LP/1A-12/13 dated 05/02/2015 of L&LR Dept.)
Documentation burden reduced for land conversion application
Dedicated Unique Clearance Centres (UCC) in districts for fast-tracking mutation and conversion of industrial land
Certified copies of Record of Right (ROR) / Plot Information and certified copy of mouza map For land conversion, only process fee for conversion to be paid
(Order no. 2208- M&M/8/2014 dated 01.09.2016 of L&LR Dept)
Post facto conversion up to 0.03 acre in Municipal Corporation/Municipality area and 0.08 acre in other area (other than water body) made permissible
(Notification No. 1414-L dated 05.10.2010)
Provision of recording the name and status of lessee and /or assignee in the land khatian/ROR introduced
(Order No. 1509-LP/1A-10/2014 dated 26.05.2015)